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US Amateur Radio - General (Element 3, 2023-2027) Practice Test

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1. - G0A06

What must you do if your station fails to meet the FCC RF exposure exemption criteria?

APerform an RF Exposure Evaluation in accordance with FCC OET Bulletin 65
BContact the FCC for permission to transmit
CUse an FCC-approved band-pass filter
DPerform an RF exposure evaluation in accordance with World Meteorological Organization guidelines

2. - G0B04

Where should the station’s lightning protection ground system be located?

AAs close to the station equipment as possible
BOutside the building
CNext to the closest power pole
DParallel to the water supply line

3. - G1A02

On which of the following bands is phone operation prohibited?

A30 meters
B17 meters
C160 meters
D12 meters

4. - G1B01

What is the maximum height above ground for an antenna structure not near a public use airport without requiring notification to the FAA and registration with the FCC?

A250 feet
B50 feet
C200 feet
D100 feet

5. - G1C05

What is the limit for transmitter power on the 28 MHz band for a General Class control operator?

A1500 watts PEP output
B2000 watts PEP output
C1000 watts PEP output
D100 watts PEP output

6. - G1D07

Volunteer Examiners are accredited by what organization?

AThe Federal Communications Commission
BThe Universal Licensing System
CThe Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
DA Volunteer Examiner Coordinator

7. - G1E06

The frequency allocations of which ITU region apply to radio amateurs operating in North and South America?

ARegion 4
BRegion 1
CRegion 2
DRegion 3

8. - G2A11

Generally, who should respond to a station in the contiguous 48 states calling “CQ DX”?

AAny caller is welcome to respond
BOnly stations in Germany
COnly contest stations
DAny stations outside the lower 48 states

9. - G2B03

What is good amateur practice if propagation changes during a contact creating interference from other stations using the frequency?

AAdvise the interfering stations that you are on the frequency and that you have priority
BSwitch to the opposite sideband
CDecrease power and continue to transmit
DAttempt to resolve the interference problem with the other stations in a mutually acceptable manner

10. - G2C11

What does the Q signal “QRV” mean?

AI am ready to receive
BYou are sending too fast
CThere is interference on the frequency
DI am quitting for the day

11. - G2D04

Which of the following describes an azimuthal projection map?

AA map that shows the angle at which an amateur satellite crosses the equator
BA map that shows the number of degrees longitude that an amateur satellite appears to move westward at the equator with each orbit
CA map that shows accurate land masses
DA map that shows true bearings and distances from a specific location

12. - G2E11

What is the primary purpose of an Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) mesh network?

ATo provide high-speed data services during an emergency or community event
BTo provide FM repeater coverage in remote areas
CTo provide DX spotting reports to aid contesters and DXers
DTo provide real time propagation data by monitoring amateur radio transmissions worldwide

13. - G3A05

What is the solar flux index?

AA measure of the highest frequency that is useful for ionospheric propagation between two points on Earth
BA count of sunspots that is adjusted for solar emissions
CAnother name for the American sunspot number
DA measure of solar radiation with a wavelength of 10.7 centimeters

14. - G3B06

What usually happens to radio waves with frequencies below the LUF?

AThey pass through the ionosphere
BThey are attenuated before reaching the destination
CThey are refracted and trapped in the ionosphere to circle Earth
DThey are refracted back to Earth

15. - G3C04

What does the term “critical angle” mean, as applied to radio wave propagation?

AThe long path azimuth of a distant station
BThe lowest takeoff angle that will return a radio wave to Earth under specific ionospheric conditions
CThe highest takeoff angle that will return a radio wave to Earth under specific ionospheric conditions
DThe short path azimuth of a distant station

16. - G4A09

What is the purpose of delaying RF output after activating a transmitter’s keying line to an external amplifier?

ATo prevent transient overmodulation
BTo allow time for the amplifier power supply to reach operating level
CTo prevent key clicks on CW
DTo allow time for the amplifier to switch the antenna between the transceiver and the amplifier output

17. - G4B07

What signals are used to conduct a two-tone test?

ATwo audio frequency range square wave signals of equal amplitude
BTwo audio signals of the same frequency shifted 90 degrees
CTwo non-harmonically related audio signals
DTwo swept frequency tones

18. - G4C05

What is a possible cause of high voltages that produce RF burns?

AFlat braid rather than round wire has been used for the ground wire
BThe ground rod is resonant
CThe ground wire has high impedance on that frequency
DInsulated wire has been used for the ground wire

19. - G4D08

What frequency range is occupied by a 3 kHz LSB signal when the displayed carrier frequency is set to 7.178 MHz?

A7.178 MHz to 7.184 MHz
B7.175 MHz to 7.178 MHz
C7.178 MHz to 7.181 MHz
D7.1765 MHz to 7.1795 MHz

20. - G4E05

Which of the following most limits an HF mobile installation?

AFCC rules limiting mobile output power on the 75-meter band
BEfficiency of the electrically short antenna
CThe wire gauge of the DC power line to the transceiver
D“Picket fencing”

21. - G5A10

Which of the following devices can be used for impedance matching at radio frequencies?

AA length of transmission line
BAll these choices are correct
CA Pi-network
DA transformer

22. - G5B10

What percentage of power loss is equivalent to a loss of 1 dB?

A10.9 percent
B12.2 percent
C20.6 percent
D25.9 percent

23. - G5C07

What transformer turns ratio matches an antenna’s 600-ohm feed point impedance to a 50-ohm coaxial cable?

A3.5 to 1
B24 to 1
C144 to 1
D12 to 1

24. - G6A12

What is the primary purpose of a screen grid in a vacuum tube?

ATo increase efficiency
BTo decrease plate resistance
CTo reduce grid-to-plate capacitance
DTo increase the control grid resistance

25. - G6B08

How is an LED biased when emitting light?

AForward biased
BReverse biased
CAt the Zener voltage
DIn the tunnel-effect region

26. - G7A02

Which of the following components are used in a power supply filter network?

AAll these choices are correct
BCapacitors and inductors
CTransformers and transducers

27. - G7B04

In a Class A amplifier, what percentage of the time does the amplifying device conduct?

ALess than 50%
BMore than 50% but less than 100%

28. - G7C02

What output is produced by a balanced modulator?

AFrequency modulated RF
BAudio with equalized frequency response
CAudio extracted from the modulation signal
DDouble-sideband modulated RF

29. - G8A11

What is the modulation envelope of an AM signal?

AThe waveform created by connecting the peak values of the modulated signal
BThe carrier frequency that contains the signal
CThe bandwidth of the modulated signal
DSpurious signals that envelop nearby frequencies

30. - G8B07

What is the frequency deviation for a 12.21 MHz reactance modulated oscillator in a 5 kHz deviation, 146.52 MHz FM phone transmitter?

A5 kHz
B60 kHz
C101.75 Hz
D416.7 Hz

31. - G8C06

What action results from a failure to exchange information due to excessive transmission attempts when using an ARQ mode?

AEncoding reverts to the default character set
BThe connection is dropped
CThe checksum overflows
DPackets will be routed incorrectly

32. - G9A10

What standing wave ratio results from connecting a 50-ohm feed line to a 10-ohm resistive load?


33. - G9B11

What is the approximate length for a 1/2 wave dipole antenna cut for 3.550 MHz?

A132 feet
B263 feet
C84 feet
D42 feet

34. - G9C04

How does antenna gain in dBi compare to gain stated in dBd for the same antenna?

AGain in dBi is 2.15 dB higher
BGain in dBi is 2.15 dB lower
CGain in dBd is 1.25 dBd lower
DGain in dBd is 1.25 dBd higher

35. - G9D11

Which of the following is a disadvantage of multiband antennas?

AThey present low impedance on all design frequencies
BThey have poor harmonic rejection
CThey must be fed with open wire line
DThey must be used with an antenna tuner