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US Amateur Radio - General (Element 3, 2015-2019) Practice Test

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1. - G1A06

Which of the following frequencies is within the General Class portion of the 75-meter phone band?

A3900 kHz
B1875 kHz
C4005 kHz
D3750 kHz

2. - G1B12

Who or what determines "good engineering and good amateur practice" as applied to the operation of an amateur station in all respects not covered by the Part 97 rules?

DThe Control Operator

3. - G1C01

What is the maximum transmitting power an amateur station may use on 10.140 MHz?

A1000 watts PEP output
B2000 watts PEP output
C200 watts PEP output
D1500 watts PEP output

4. - G1D10

What is the minimum age that one must be to qualify as an accredited Volunteer Examiner?

A18 years
B21 years
CThere is no age limit
D12 years

5. - G1E09

What language must be used when identifying your station if you are using a language other than English in making a contact using phone emission?

AAny language recognized by the United Nations
BEnglish only
CThe language being used for the contact
DEnglish, Spanish, French, or German

6. - G2A07

Which of the following statements is true of the single sideband voice mode?

AOnly one sideband is transmitted; the other sideband and carrier are suppressed
BSSB is the only voice mode that is authorized on the 160-meter, 75-meter and 40-meter amateur bands
COnly one sideband and the carrier are transmitted; the other sideband is suppressed
DSSB is the only voice mode that is authorized on the 20-meter, 15-meter, and 10-meter amateur bands

7. - G2B08

What is the "DX window" in a voluntary band plan?

AA portion of the band that has been voluntarily set aside for digital contacts only
BA portion of the band that should not be used for contacts between stations within the 48 contiguous United States
CAn FCC rule that allows only digital contacts in that portion of the band
DAn FCC rule that prohibits contacts between stations within the United States and possessions in that portion of the band

8. - G2C02

What should you do if a CW station sends "QRS"?

ARepeat everything twice
BSend slower
CChange frequency
DIncrease your power

9. - G2D01

What is the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC?

AAmateur volunteers who use their station equipment to help civil defense organizations in times of emergency
BAmateur volunteers who conduct frequency coordination for amateur VHF repeaters
CAmateur volunteers who conduct amateur licensing examinations
DAmateur volunteers who are formally enlisted to monitor the airwaves for rules violations

10. - G2E01

Which mode is normally used when sending an RTTY signal via AFSK with an SSB transmitter?


11. - G3A11

Approximately how long is the typical sunspot cycle?

A8 minutes
B28 days
C11 years
D40 hours

12. - G3B11

What happens to HF propagation when the LUF exceeds the MUF?

AHF communications over the path are enhanced
BNo HF radio frequency will support ordinary sky-wave communications over the path
CPropagation over the path on all HF frequencies is enhanced
DDouble hop propagation along the path is more common

13. - G3C05

Why is long distance communication on the 40-meter, 60-meter, 80-meter and 160-meter bands more difficult during the day?

AThe E layer is unstable during daylight hours
BThe F layer absorbs signals at these frequencies during daylight hours
CThe F layer is unstable during daylight hours
DThe D layer absorbs signals at these frequencies during daylight hours

14. - G4A04

What reading on the plate current meter of a vacuum tube RF power amplifier indicates correct adjustment of the plate tuning control?

AA pronounced peak
BNo change will be observed
CA pronounced dip
DA slow, rhythmic oscillation

15. - G4B03

Which of the following is the best instrument to use when checking the keying waveform of a CW transmitter?

AAn oscilloscope
BA field strength meter
CA wavemeter
DA sidetone monitor

16. - G4C04

What is the effect on an audio device or telephone system if there is interference from a nearby CW transmitter?

AA chirpy CW signal
BA CW signal at a nearly pure audio frequency
CSeverely distorted audio
DOn-and-off humming or clicking

17. - G4D10

How close to the lower edge of the 40-meter General Class phone segment should your displayed carrier frequency be when using 3 kHz wide LSB?

AAt least 1 kHz above the edge of the segment
BAt least 3 kHz above the edge of the segment
CYour displayed carrier frequency may be set at the edge of the segment
DAt least 3 kHz below the edge of the segment

18. - G4E01

What is the purpose of a capacitance hat on a mobile antenna?

ATo allow remote tuning
BTo increase the power handling capacity of a whip antenna
CTo electrically lengthen a physically short antenna
DTo allow automatic band changing

19. - G5A11

Which of the following describes one method of impedance matching between two AC circuits?

AInsert a circulator between the two circuits
BInsert an LC network between the two circuits
CIncrease the power output of the first circuit
DReduce the power output of the first circuit

20. - G5B13

What is the output PEP of an unmodulated carrier if an average reading wattmeter connected to the transmitter output indicates 1060 watts?

A1060 watts
B530 watts
C1500 watts
D2120 watts

21. - G5C10

What is the inductance of three 10 millihenry inductors connected in parallel?

A0.30 henrys
B30 millihenrys
C3.3 millihenrys
D3.3 henrys

22. - G6A02

What is an advantage of the low internal resistance of nickel-cadmium batteries?

ARapid recharge
BHigh voltage
CLong life
DHigh discharge current

23. - G6B01

Which of the following is an analog integrated circuit?

AFrequency Counter
CLinear voltage regulator

24. - G7A11

Which symbol in figure G7-1 represents an NPN junction transistor?

ASymbol 7
BSymbol 2
CSymbol 1
DSymbol 11

25. - G7B09

What determines the frequency of an LC oscillator?

AThe number of stages in the divider
BThe time delay of the lag circuit
CThe inductance and capacitance in the tank circuit
DThe number of stages in the counter

26. - G7C01

Which of the following is used to process signals from the balanced modulator then send them to the mixer in some single sideband phone transmitters?

ARF amplifier
BCarrier oscillator
DIF amplifier

27. - G8A11

What is the modulation envelope of an AM signal?

AThe carrier frequency that contains the signal
BSpurious signals that envelop nearby frequencies
CThe bandwidth of the modulated signal
DThe waveform created by connecting the peak values of the modulated signal

28. - G8B09

Why is it good to match receiver bandwidth to the bandwidth of the operating mode?

AIt results in the best signal to noise ratio
BIt improves impedance matching of the antenna
CIt minimizes power consumption in the receiver
DIt is required by FCC rules

29. - G8C08

Which of the following statements is true about PSK31?

AUpper case letters make the signal stronger
BHigher power is needed as compared to RTTY for similar error rates
CVaricode Error Correction is used to ensure accurate message reception
DUpper case letters use longer Varicode signals and thus slow down transmission

30. - G9A10

What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 10 ohm impedance?


31. - G9B04

What is the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna in free space in the plane of the conductor?

AIt has a pair of lobes on one side of the antenna and a single lobe on the other side
BIt is a figure-eight at right angles to the antenna
CIt is a circle (equal radiation in all directions)
DIt is a figure-eight off both ends of the antenna

32. - G9C20

What is meant by the terms dBi and dBd when referring to antenna gain?

AdBi refers to an ionospheric reflecting antenna, dBd refers to a dissipative antenna
BdBi refers to an isotropic antenna, dBd refers to a dipole antenna
CdBi refers to an inverted-vee antenna, dBd refers to a downward reflecting antenna
DdBi refers to an isometric antenna, dBd refers to a discone antenna

33. - G9D01

What does the term NVIS mean as related to antennas?

ANear Vertical Incidence sky-wave
BNearly Vertical Inductance System
CNon-Varying Indicated SWR
DNon-Varying Impedance Smoothing

34. - G0A01

What is one way that RF energy can affect human body tissue?

AIt causes radiation poisoning
BIt heats body tissue
CIt causes the blood count to reach a dangerously low level
DIt cools body tissue

35. - G0B10

Which of the following is a danger from lead-tin solder?

ALead can contaminate food if hands are not washed carefully after handling the solder
BRF energy can convert the lead into a poisonous gas
CHigh voltages can cause lead-tin solder to disintegrate suddenly
DTin in the solder can "cold flow" causing shorts in the circuit

Figure G7-1